Published inTDS ArchiveGenAI with Python: Build Agents from Scratch (Complete Tutorial)with Ollama, LangChain, LangGraph (No GPU, No APIKEY)Sep 29, 202436Sep 29, 202436
Published inTDS ArchiveGenAI with Python: Coding AgentsBuild a Data Scientist AI that can query db with SQL, analyze data with Python, write reports with HTML, and do Machine Learning (No GPU…Sep 9, 20248Sep 9, 20248
Published inTDS ArchiveGenAI with Python: LLM vs AgentsCreate an AI squad to automate literally anything on your laptop without GPUJul 11, 20242Jul 11, 20242
Published inTDS ArchiveGenAI with Python: RAG with LLM (Complete Tutorial)Build your own ChatGPT with multimodal data and run it on your laptop without GPUJun 28, 202417Jun 28, 202417
Published inTowards AIGenAI With Python: Give Your AI a Personality and Speak With ”Her”LLM & Speech Recognition — Build a voice assistant ChatBot on your laptop with OllamaJun 25, 2024Jun 25, 2024
Published inTDS ArchiveModern Route Optimization with PythonShortest Path, Traveling Salesman Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem, Plotting Maps and AnimationsJun 7, 20239Jun 7, 20239
Published inTDS ArchiveNLP with Python: Knowledge GraphSpaCy, Sentence segmentation, Part-Of-Speech tagging, Dependency parsing, Named Entity Recognition, and more…Apr 19, 20232Apr 19, 20232
Published inTowards AIGenerative AI: What is it & How to use itText-to-Text, Text-to-Image, Text-to-Video, Text-to-AudioFeb 23, 20231Feb 23, 20231
Published inTDS ArchiveDocument Parsing with Python & OCRDetect and extract text, figures, tables from any type of document with Computer VisionJul 13, 20224Jul 13, 20224
Published inGeek CultureHistory of Artificial Intelligence & Data ScienceWhere everything began and where it will endJun 9, 20221Jun 9, 20221
Published inTowards AIImage Classification with Python: CNN vs TransformersComputer Vision & Explainability with Convolutional Neural Network, Transfer Learning, ViT, TensorFlow & HuggingFaceMay 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Published inTDS ArchiveModern Recommendation Systems with Neural NetworksBuild hybrid models with Python & TensorFlowApr 16, 20228Apr 16, 20228
Published inTDS ArchiveText Summarization with NLP: TextRank vs Seq2Seq vs BARTNatural Language Processing with Python, Gensim, Tensorflow, TransformersMar 15, 20222Mar 15, 20222
Published inGeek CultureWhat is the Metaverse?Web3, Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse…all explainedJan 22, 20221Jan 22, 20221
Published inTDS ArchiveDeep Learning with Python: Neural Networks (complete tutorial)Build, Plot & Explain Artificial Neural Networks with TensorFlowDec 17, 20219Dec 17, 20219
Published inTDS ArchiveAI Chatbot with NLP: Speech Recognition + TransformersBuild a talking ChatBot with Python and have a conversation with your AIOct 20, 20213Oct 20, 20213
Published inGeek CultureRebuild of Python: You can (not) Quantum ComputingQuantum Mechanics, Quantum Algorithms & Quantum Machine Learning with Python and QiskitSep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaHow to debug like a Pro with PythonDebug your code with the Debugger Web InterfaceJul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveWeb Development with Python: Dash (complete tutorial)Draw with Plotly, Embed Bootstrap CSS, Upload & Download files, Change Inputs after selection, Navbars, Spinners, and more…Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021